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Albert Einstein (топик на английском)



Albert Einstein, one of the most famous scientists in the world, was born in Germany. When he was fifteen his family moved to Switzerland because of money difficulties.
There Albert graduated from the Polytechnic Academy of Zurich where he had got scientific education. After that he worked at a patent office. Albert spent his free time studying philosophy, mathematics and science.
In 1914 he returned to Germany and worked as a professor of Berlin University.
Einstein's discoveries began in 1905 when he formulated the Theory of Relativity which was published in 1915. Einstein also proved that every planet has a gravitational field similar to the magnetic field around a magnet.
This work made him famous.
His other work was called Photoelectric Law. He explained the photoelectric effect in it.
In 1922 Einstein got the Nobel Prize for this discovery. In his later years Einstein worked on the Unified Field Theory.
In 1933 Albert moved to the United States as the protest against fascism. He found his new home there.
In 1934 the fascist government confiscated his property.
Einstein died in 1955. His discoveries were a great contribution to science.
Einstein is considered to be one of the most intelligent people ever born, and people sometimes use the name Einstein to talk about someone who is very intelligent.

contribution [,kt>ntn 'bju:J(3)n] вклад (в науку)
discovery [dis'kAv(3)n] открытие
fascism ['faefizm] фашизм
formulate ['fo:mjuleit] формулировать
graduate from ['graedjuitfrem] закончить (ВУЗ)
gravitational field [grcevi'teiJanTfrld] гравитационное поле
patent office [peit(3)nt't>fis] патентное бюро
photoelectric [fbutaui'lektnk фотоэлектричес-
effect ifekt] кий эффект
protest against [pra'test] протестовать против
prove [prurv] доказать
Theory of ['ЭЮПЭУ теория относи-
Relativity ^eb'trviti] тельности
Unified Field [ju:mfaid'fi:ld теория единого
Theory 'Gian] поля

1. Who was Albert Einstein?
2. What do you know about his education?
3. What theories did he formulate?
4. What discovery helped Einstein get the Nobel Prize?
5. Why did Albert move to the USA?






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Наиболее употребительные:

Слова TOP 2500

Неправ. глаголы 135

Фразовые глаголы 170

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