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Wars and Peace - Войны и мир (топик)


Все топики.

"Глобальные проблемы и опасности" - все топики.


Our planet Earth is our home. People have lived on it for centuries. A lot of things have changed and a lot of generations have replaced each other, but there has always been a big global problem — wars. People have been fighting since the beginning of the world. It is very difficult to explain why.
When we watch TV shows, films and documentaries, we often see blood and people being killed. We also hear such words as: I will kill you, You're dead!, Die! and so on. Children watch television and they think that killing is quite a normal thing. A lot of computer games are based on killing monsters and people. I think this is all wrong.
In the 20th century a lot of wars broke out: World War I, World War II, Cold War, Iraqi War and others. Millions of people died in those wars, but this didn't stop anybody.
Our country suffered from the war in Chechnya. Nowadays a lot of countries are very powerful. Maybe because of this there are so many wars?
I think it is silly to have wars today. Many states have nuclear weapons, so it is enough to push the button to make the world disappear. The Americans dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese cities. Many citizens were killed because of this terrible act.
Another problem is terrorism. More and more countries are suffering from this problem. It is difficult to catch terrorists and prevent their acts to kill people. The most terrible terrorist act was committed in the USA on the 11th of September, 2001. World Trade Centre, the pride of all Americans and one of the symbols of New York City was destroyed and thousands of people died. This act shocked everybody and most countries decided to fight against terrorists. However, new acts have been committed. Russia has suffered from them, too. Many innocent people were killed and nobody can stop terrorists now. They promise more blood and murders.
I wonder why people can't live in peace. I can't understand why we should kill each other, fight with each other when life is so beautiful. I think that the peoples of the world must try to stop wars and save our children.

generation [^зепэ'гегХ(э)п] поколение
atomic [a'tomik] атомный
blood [bLvd] кровь
break out ['breik'aut] разразиться (о войне)
citizen ['sitizn] житель
commit [ka'mit] совершать
innocent ['m3s(3)nt] невинный
murder ['тз:с1э] убийство
nuclear ['njuklia] ядерный
peoples ['pi:plz] народы
powerful ['pauaful] могущественный
prevent [pn'vent] предупреждать
replace [n'pleis] зд. сменять
silly ['sili] глупо
suffer ['sAfb] страдать
weapon ['wep(a)n] оружие

1. What is one of the biggest global problems nowadays?
2. Where can people hear about wars and murders?
3. What wars in the history of the world do you remember?
4. Do you think that the problem of terrorism is very big?
5. What biggest terrorist acts were committed in the world?
6. How do you think people can fight terrorism?





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А также:

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